The Cone Heads

 Good evening Students!  Today we are going to explain a little more about the first rh- people in the world, well first over 500,000 years ago they came to this planet for resources because there was big problems going on in our home planet, but around 50,000-100,000 years ago they came back again, and this has been proven because they are mining shafts in South America that date back to 50,000-80,000 years ago and up to 100,000 years ago in Africa.  Well, who was mining for Gold and natural resources 100,000 years ago in Africa?  Or 80,000 years ago in South America?  And why?  Well I’m guessing you don’t realize you need Gold for space travel.  Did you know all the Astronaut Helmets at NASA are made with real Gold?  But the problem was that mining for Gold is hard labor, and we aren’t the best at that.  So one day two Cone Heads were talking to each other while they were mining for Gold in Africa about 100,000 years ago, one of them saw some O+ Butt Booty Scratching Monkey People eating bananas in the trees.  And he had an epiphany, and said to the other Cone Head “Hey look at those O+ Monkey People” they look like they are good workers” so he says “Hey Mr. Monkey Man!  Do you know how to use a shovel?”  And it turned out that these Monkey People were really good workers and good at digging but they were lazy and needed constant supervision but they seemed like they were very obedient to their God.  And the Cone Heads had to leave earth, that’s where the NASCA lines came into play, because you can see them from outer space.  So the Mr. Cone Head #1 is thinking and he tells the other Cone Head, he’s like hey look man once we leave earth these lazy O+ butt booty scratching monkey people are going to be back laying down in the shade under the trees eating bananas once we leave, so they made up a Bible so they could show all the Monkey People what God Said so they would know exactly what God Wants them to do, and that’s why they had to put all these scriptures and stuff in the Bible about working hard, like in 1 Timothy 6:1-3 “ Christian Slaves Should work Hard for their Masters and Respect them”! And “Never Let it be said that Christ’s People are Poor Workers”. And “If their Owners are Christian, that is no excuse for slowing down, (working) rather they (The Slaves) should work HARDER because a brother in The Faith is being helped (making money) by their efforts.”  So you see by these O+ Monkey People working hard was actually helping the Cone Heads obtain More Gold.  So God likes this!  And this ideology is just constantly regurgitated all through out the Bible, like in Ephesians 6:7-17 for example.  “Do your Work as Slaves Cheerfully, as though you serve the Lord, and not merely Human Beings.”  Because the Cone Heads weren’t Human at all, and “Remember that the Lord will reward each of you, for the Good (Hard) Work that you do”!  The only thing is you don’t get your big reward just yet, you will get that later after you die.  But, You will have a Big Reward Coming!  So the Cone Heads realized that if it was God who told the O+ Monkey People all this it would make them better and harder workers, because this is obviously what God wants them to do.  So, now the Cone Heads were able to space travel back and fourth throughout the Universe and not have to worry about if the Lazy Booty Scratching O+ Monkey People were still on earth working hard because God told them to do it.  But just in case, kind of like a back up plan, one day Mr. Cone Head #1 found a couple Neanderthals in a Cave in Southern France and he brought them down to the different work sites where the O+ Monkey people were digging for natural resources because Mr. Cone Head realized that the Neanderthal was an excellent Supervisor (Slave Driver) so the Neanderthals could keep these O+ Monkey People in line, so they threw some extra Bible scriptures in the Bible about what God is going to do to them if they don’t keep working hard, like in Luke 12:47 for instance “And that the Slave which knew his Lords (Gods) will, and prepareth NOT Himself, neither according to the will of his God, shall be BEATEN with MANY LASHES”!  So if you’re a bad slave and you’re lazy and you’re not working hard for your Cone Head Master your God wants you to learn your lesson and God Wants you to be Beaten with Many Lashes!  And How Many is Many?  Many, Many Lashes!  You see, this is what God Wants you to do.  God Wills It!  As on earth as it is in Heaven!  And this is the reason why we need a Bible or a Tora or a Koran or whatever.  So you can read and come know exactly what God wants you to do.  You see, now these ideologies continued on forever and is why so many of thousands of years later none of this worked with the Native Americans, in the Americans and they had to ship in a good work force of O+ booty scratchers from Africa who they could tell them what God wants them to do.  Because we (Native Americans) actually know God and we know what God wants and it sure ain’t that.  And this is the true history of how the blood groups began.  The End.


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