
Showing posts from April, 2022

Blood Type views in Korea

 “What’s Your Blood Type?”  A question that is asked in the Western World you might get a funny or crazy look instead of an answer.  However, in most Eastern Cultures, especially in East Asia that is a common question asked on a first date or on a job interview.  Since they view Blood Types kind of like how Westerners view Astrological signs.  Only Blood Types are more accurate.  So we are going to start with Korea and how Blood Groups are viewed in comparison to personality traits, in Love and what blood types are compatible with what blood groups and job placement and which blood groups are best suited for which profession. BLOOD TYPE O:  CONFIDENT BUT RUTHLESS. The last blood type is the most beloved of all: the blood type O. It is said that among the four, people who have blood type O are known to have the best personalities. Because of their confidence, they are natural born risk-takers and self-proclaimed winners. With their outgoing, expressive and passionate attitude, they stan

11 Personality Traits of People With Grey Eyes

 11 Personality Traits of People with Grey Eyes.  1). Calm & Collective.  2). Organized.  3). Isolated.  4). Loyal.  5). Eyes Change Colors (or appear to).  6). Sensitive.  7). Fun/Thrill Seekers.  ðŸ˜Ž.   Wisdom.  9).  Gentile & Passionate.  10). Strategic Thinkers.  11). Competitive. Grey Eyes have been connected to supernatural beings like angels, elves, and wizards. Spiritual meaning behind grey eyes: Some people see grey eyes and think of mystery, freedom, and romance. Others see creativity and spontaneity.  The Snow Leopard is often associated with Grey Eyes.  People with Grey Eyes are often considered 1) Calm.  2). Organized.  3). Isolated - They Usually Keep to Themselves.  3). Love.  They tend to Fall Deep in Love and when they do they are 4) Extremely Loyal, So they can make ideal Life Long Companions. Grey Eyes are often Confused for Blue Eyes.  Oftentimes, grey-colored eyes have been mistaken for their blue counterparts even by science itself. While it can get difficu

13 Definitive Personality Traits of People with Amber Eyes

 13 Definitive Personality Traits of People with Amber Eyes:  1). You don’t Follow the Crowd.  2). You Know Who You Are.  3). Uncommon.  4). Sensitive.  5). Optimistic.  6). Wolf’s Eyes.  7).  Great Communicator.  ðŸ˜Ž. Dauntless.  9). Strong.  10). Mystical.  11). Passionate.  12). Dominant.  13). Positive. 1). You don’t Follow the Crowd:  You’re entirely independent and like doing things the way you like. This is one of the chief traits of amber eyes personality. 2). You know who you are:  You’re secure and are well aware of what you want to achieve in your life and who you are. Hence, people around you trust you. This is another amber eye personality character. 3). Uncommon:  Just like your eye color, you are rare too. Out of the common, you stand unique. Predominantly, being original is what amber eyes personality stands for. 4). Sensitive:  Sensitivity is a chief attribute of amber eyes personality. Light brown colored eyes are more sensitive to sunlight. It is linked to a sensitive

7 Definitive Personality Traits of People with Green Eyes

 Top 7 Definitive Personality Traits of People With Green Eyes:  1). Devious.  2). Jealous.  3). Intelligent.  4). Passionate.  5). Mystical.  6). Charming.  7).   Creative. 1). Devious:  Since people with green eyes are unique they tend to look very attractive. Their eyes reflect a mischievous and devious personality. Their eyes reflect a lot of thoughts but you would be unable to guess properly. Their eyes would reflect intellect and playfulness at the same time. Their behavior includes contrasting poles of wisdom and childishness. Their personality would reflect rebellious behavior. They take risks in their lives to gain new opportunities and experience new challenges. Green eyed people have impulsive behavioral characteristics. They are humorous and have the ability to be attractive and charming. Their eye magnifies their smile which makes them look more appealing. According to research, people with green eyes have the most fun loving and playful personalities. 2). Jealous:  Green

10 Personality Traits of People with Hazel Eyes

 Top 10 Definitive Personality Traits of People with Hazel Eyes:  1). Approachable.  2). Adventurous.  3). Unpredictable.  4). Lazy.  5). Mischievous.  6). Sensual.  7). Short Tempered.  ðŸ˜Ž. Constantly Obsessed with their look.  9). Easily Pressurized.  10). Their Mind is as Fast as a Cheetah.   Hazel eyes are rare and a bit of mystery too. It is hard to describe this colour since it changes on the basis of what you are wearing and the lighting around you.  Hazel eyed people are not only rare but also are misunderstood. Some common traits associated with hazel eyed people are:        They are more attractive • They are smarter and sexier • They make better lovers due to their innate sexual energy and aura. • They are highly spiritual people • They are more intimate than other people. • Most hazel eyed people are born under a water sign 1). Approachable:  They are the most affable people you will ever come across. They make great friends but don’t approach them with balloons and roses o


  Heterochromia is the term used to describe a difference in a person’s eye color. Someone with Central heterochromia has different colors within the same eye. Complete heterochromia is when they have two different colored eyes?   sectoral heterochromia, also known as partial heterochromia, one part of the iris is a different color from the rest. Sectoral heterochromia often resembles an irregular spot on the iris of the eye and does not form a ring around the pupil. .    Heterochromia of the eye is caused by variations in the concentration and distribution of melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes.   Less than 200,000 people in the United States have heterochromia.   Identifying heterochromia Heterochromia of the eye is easy to identify. The person will have two different colored eyes or color differences within one or both eyes. Color differences may be slight and may only become apparent under certain lighting conditions or in photographs. Several celebrit

The Real History of Christianity

 Why Are The Christians So Dumb?  And Why Aren’t Christians even Christians?  And if they think that this Jesus Character is really the Son of God then Why don’t they Listen and Obey to What They Think He Said?  Why Don’t They Obey Their Own God?  And Why aren’t They Smart Enough to Realize that Nothing in The Bible Makes any Sense?  I mean, “hopefully” everyone knows how babies are made, and it’s not by immaculate conception.  The Earth is only 6026 years old?  Then how am I 3.8% Neanderthal?  What about the Dinosaurs or the Black Sute Line? You got some White Guy walking on Water and Some other White Guy that lives in a Whales Stomach like it’s some kind of Time Share?  And then the Whale Just Spits Him Out?  Ok?  Well does he swim all the way back to Europe or does the Whale pull up to the longest pier and just spits him out on the deck?  And nothing ever even backs up these outlandish and totally unbelievable stories.  Not mathematics.  Not Statistics.  Not Science.  Not History.  

Ihr Seid Eine Armee Der TOTEN!

 Alles, was ich uber den kampf weiB…WeiB ich von dir.  Wofur kampfen wir?  Das habe ich dich oft gefragt.  Manche Kampfen fur das, WAS WAR.  Und Andere fur das, was warden SOLL.  Wir kampfen fur die LIEBE.  Wir kampfen fur die EHRE.  wir kampfen fur den RUHM.  Wir kampfen fur unsere FREIBIET.  Manche Kampfenfur ihre KINDER.  Und wieder andere fur ihre GOTTER.  Entscheidend ist, dass wir nur gewinnen…. eine glasklare Strategie haben.  Dass man unbedingt die eigene Ordnung wahrt und die des Feindes Zerstort.  Wofur wir auch immer Kampfen…..den Preis bezahlem wir in Blut.  Wir Sterben Alle.  Die Schuldigen….und Die Unschuldigen.  Und wenn alles Misslingt…Braucht man noch immer die Hilfe der GOTTER.  Eure unuberwindbafen Rustungen wurden ZU eurer groBten Burde.  Aber das Wichtigste ist:  Erkenne die groBte Schwache deines Gengners und bringe all deine Kraft genau an diesen PUNKT.  Ich frage mich….Wofur hast du Gekampft?  Und war es das wert?  Du hast nie Verstanden…dass man anders leben wi

The Government Worships an Owl Every Year at Bohemian Grove

 I’ll Tell You A Secret (it’s a Secret) The Government, They Worship an Owl and Practice Witchcraft to Harness their Powers.  Pedophiles R¥£€ Little Kids for Energy and Satanic Rituals WTC R.I.P.  They Lit The Pentagon on Fire and That’s lighting the Pentagram on Fire.  All These Bodies For What?  So You Can Scare Everybody into One World Huh?  Money is Worthless Real Power is People.  Real Strength is in the Street Where Everybody’s Equal. - P

Mr. Monkey Man: The Ancestor of the Homo Sapien.

 Good evening students, today I want everyone to meet the ancestor of the Homo Sapien and 86% of the worlds population, Mr. Monkey Man, Johnny.  And this is the reason why there is a + at the end of your blood type, like A+ or O+ or B+ or AB+ the + is + for the Rhesus Monkey, and Johnny here is your Great Grandfather, but Johnny isn’t that bad.  I mean, he’s not that smart but he’s a good worker and he just needs a little help so you can show him where to work and what to do.  The Bible talks about this too, when it says things like Masters be good to your Slaves and what not.  We are supposed to be good to Johnny and Johnny is supposed to do good hard work.  But he has a brain and he thinks, I mean, his brain isn’t as big as ours and his IQ is pretty limited and I wouldn’t expect him to crack any of the genetical codes anytime soon, but he’s a hard worker and we need plenty of Johnnys in this world or who else is going to build your house, dig the ditches, build the roads, lay the bri