The Real History of Christianity

 Why Are The Christians So Dumb?  And Why Aren’t Christians even Christians?  And if they think that this Jesus Character is really the Son of God then Why don’t they Listen and Obey to What They Think He Said?  Why Don’t They Obey Their Own God?  And Why aren’t They Smart Enough to Realize that Nothing in The Bible Makes any Sense?  I mean, “hopefully” everyone knows how babies are made, and it’s not by immaculate conception.  The Earth is only 6026 years old?  Then how am I 3.8% Neanderthal?  What about the Dinosaurs or the Black Sute Line? You got some White Guy walking on Water and Some other White Guy that lives in a Whales Stomach like it’s some kind of Time Share?  And then the Whale Just Spits Him Out?  Ok?  Well does he swim all the way back to Europe or does the Whale pull up to the longest pier and just spits him out on the deck?  And nothing ever even backs up these outlandish and totally unbelievable stories.  Not mathematics.  Not Statistics.  Not Science.  Not History.  Not Geology.  Not Population Statistics.  Not DNA.  Not Radio Carbon Dating, Not Nothing.  In the Bible it has only 8 people on earth 4300 years ago but it’s mathematically impossible for 8 people to turn into 8 billion in 4300 years.  Even if every woman on earth has twins every 9 months.  I guess it’s like Hitler use to say The Bigger the Lie and the More you keep repeating it, the more people will believe it.  Well this is a pretty big one.  And why is modern day Christianity full of Paganism?  I know why, but do you?  And why are all Dinosaur bones buried beneath the Black Sutt Line, I know why, but do you?  Ok so here is what it all boils down to, the story of Jesus was just a story, that’s it a story.  A story the Greeks stole from the Egyptians off the Walls of the Pyramids and then they brought it back to Greece did a little remix and Bam!  There you have it.  And then 300 and some odd years later The Emperor Constantine would do another Remix in Latin.  And then 1300 and some odd years later King James the I of England, who was really King James VI of Scotland son of Mary Queen of Scots would do another remix the current remix that we are listening to now.  And every time these people do a remix Jesus changes his name and race.  First Jesus Starts off as a Black Egyptian then he’s a Jew Speaking Aramaic, Then he’s Fucking Greek, Then He’s Latin Speaking Roman, And Now he’s a Blond Haired Blue Eyed White Guy Speaking English to John and Mark and Jeff and Luke.  Luke who?  Luke Skywalker?  I mean, do any of these people have any last names?  I mean it’s just so unbelievable it’s laughable.


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