The Real Human Races on Earth

 Good afternoon Students, today we are going to revisit the study of the different races because I believe most of the class has failed this subject miserably, now there are many different races in the world and there has been for thousands of years.  And most of these Human Races can be seen on T.V. At the Olympics like for instance you have 1) The 100 meter race.  2). The 200 meter race.  3). The 400 meter race.  4). The 800 Meter Race.  5). The 1500 meter race.  6). The 3000 meter race.  7). The Relay Event Race.  And 😎. The Hurdle Event Race.  And these are all of the different Human Races.  Now, This is what Human Races have always been, until 1779 when this radically mentally unstable German Guy named Johann Friedrich Blumenbach and his equally mentally unstable protege Houston Stewart Chamberlain decided that they alone were going to change the meaning of the word race by themselves, and they came out with these radical ideologies of racial superiority, backed up by nothing more than some crazy ludicrous idea that just popped out of his mentally and emotionally unstable head, something not much different than a Jack in the Box.  And this mentally unstable German Guy who was obviously in need of some serious psychiatric care asserted that there was now in 1779 5 different Human Races that separated mankind into boxes and they were White, Black, Brown, Yellow and Red.  Now before this these were what we referred to as colors.  But now, Mr. Blumbenbach says that these aren’t colors anymore but different classifications of Human Races separated by an ideology that one was more Superior than all the rest, and of course this superior race was the race In which this German Guy classified himself as.  Now, if this whole thing is not idiotic enough he elaborates even further to say that there are even more Superior people of this race who are from this specific place called. The Caucus Mountains, and that these people from this mountainous region were much far more superior than any of these other races.  And now this is where the stupidity gets totally out of control because here we have one person, who is changing the meanings and definitions of different words in a language.  Which is impossible in most any other language because if the word Sun or Moon, means the sun and the moon you can’t just changed the word to mean something totally different. The Sun can only be the Sun and the Moon can only be the Moon.  You can’t change that, and I assure you that for one person to start changing the meanings and definitions of words in a language is almost laughable if he wasn’t Mentally Handicapped.  And he belonged in a Mental Institution not a classroom teaching this idiocracy.  So, here we are in the United States 243 years later asking people to check a box so that they can identify themselves as to belonging to one of these fake made up human races invented by one mentally disturbed German Guy who obviously wasn’t being given the psychiatric treatment he so desperately needed.  And if this isn’t bad enough already it gets much worse, because after 1779 when Mr. Blumbenbach makes up this foolishness, his protege Mr. H.S. Chamberlain who was also obviously mentally disturbed continues on and elaborates on these ideologies of human racial superior and begins to compound even further on this stupidity.  Later on 144 years later a man by the name of Adolf Hitler who was also obviously mentally unstable would become a devote follower of this H.S. Chamberlain and this is how this guy Adolf Hitler forms his own foundation of these different Human Races and asserts himself as belonging to this Great Superior Master Race which in his mind makes him better than everyone else on earth.  Which as a result leads to the Racial Genocide of Millions of other Germans which in return leads to a World War where over 80 million people die on earth all over the mentally unstable ramblings of some emotionally deranged radical racist.  All the way until today 243 years later this radical idiocracy continues on.  And to me, Personally it appears this racially motivated genocide just keeps repeating itself at a great cost to human life and a great travesty against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  And unfortunately I can see no end to this, no matter how far these idiotic radical ideologies of racial superiority are forced underground they will not disappear but only become even stronger, unless the Human Race which is not even a race at all because we are not a Human Race we are Just Humans who have been proven through DNA and Archeology that we are actually a combination of many different species that have evolved into the modern day Human or Homo-Sapien, who I will say maybe are not all exactly equal in every form on earth, some of us are more intelligent than others, some are superior athletes who have the ability to win Gold Medals at the Olympics in the real Human Races, some are more Spiritual than others, Some are better Warriors, but everyone on earth has their weaknesses and their own strengths which does not make anyone better than anyone else, we are all just people and until we come to realize this and end the perpetuation of this cycle of radical ideologies of racial superiority and we are able to conclude that through research and responsibility can we completely debunk these false teachings of these ridiculous theories, because they are no more than that and not even good ones because there isn’t even any viable evidence or facts to back any of these false ideologies up as factual, if nothing else the evidence and the facts prove the exact opposite so only one inference can be drawn from all of this.  The real question at hand here is how one mentally unstable person convinced the world that his radical racist ideologies of human superiority over every other Human on earth based on no more than a geographical location of where a certain group of people were from became truth.  I actually find this personally extremely disturbing as I expect you should as well, this has gone on for far to long.  It is now time for intelligence to rule over Stupidly.


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