There has always only been one Human Race on earth!

 Maybe it’s time that I continue with Theodosyi-us who was a Greek Ruler not known to most of us.  And he in the Four-th Centu-ree A.D. Call’s the Egyptians fools Can’t you see? And 2 more years later was when Justinian Ruled in 6 A.D. and that was it for Schools!  And as a result of this, Ignorance had swirled over Euro-Pean Greco and Roman Christian Worlds.  And this went on for a Thousand More Years.  Of Ignorance, Stupidity and Tears.  And Now Here Comes the 17th Cent-ury Hard-A-Ness when Europe decides to come out of this Darken-ness and Now Johann F. Blumenbach who was a German comes out of absolutely nowhere and started to confirming this ideology of a White Supremacy over all other Men of Color but always ever before this all Men we’re Brothers and equal but this Leaves this German Guy Johann who goes on to say more about all of this and now he’s telling us that there is 5 different Human Race-esses in the world today and they all are 1) Caucasian. 2). Malayan and 3) Mongolian, 4) American Indian and 5) Ethiopian.  And if this isn’t enough this stupidity even gets Scarier because this German Guy believes that the Caucasians are Superior!  Yes!  And According to this Idiotic Fountain He says not only that but there are Purer White People that come from the Caucus Mountains and not only him but J.F. Blofener and this other Guy H.S Chamberlain who was actually the idiot  where Adolf Hitler got all his racist ridiculous ideas from.  So then, this continues to what the Master-Race should be and is the real reason why they began to kill all the Jews in Germany.  But here is the reason why I am so very concerned is because You Must Learn! - B.D.P.


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