Donald Trump Blood Type A-


BloodType Correction:  Donald Trump A-.  I think Trump, I mean there is no doubt that he is on the Autism Spectrum but I think he also has Aspergers.  Because he just says whatever he’s thinking (which I like) but he either doesn’t know how people will react or doesn’t care.  Personally I think he doesn’t know, because I have Aspergers and I use to do that a lot, now I just do it on Steroids.  But he’s definitely never reading his speech writers shit because he just freestyles his speeches.  He said that the (Mexicans) “Were all Rapists!” But “Some he assumes are good people” lol.  Can someone tell me which one of the Mexican Rapists are ”Good People”?  Lol.  That’s Hilarious.  And it just recently came out that he wanted to fire Patriot Missles into Mexico at the Mexican Drug Cartels “Real Quick” so they wouldn’t know it was us?  Lol.  Like the Mexican Government isn’t going to know who it was that was firing Patriot Missles into their country, lol.  Not to mention that’s not how Patriot Missles work, they are for defense, you can just fire them off at Foreign Countries. Lol.


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