How to put yourself in the bubble

 Sometimes life can be too cluttered or too much for you to process at one time, overwhelming even with so much to do or you worry about what all needs to be done or what you didn’t do or what you need to do and all this that and the third.  Well sometimes you just need to crush all that up into a ball and just toss it all into the garbage where it belongs.  And you just take a time out, like in elementary school when they teacher made you take a time out and go stand in the hall for an hour.  Well something like that but for an extended period of time.  And all you really need is to put yourself in a bubble.  Here are 4 excellent steps to making putting yourself into a bubble (for your own protection) and making the bubble a reality.

1. The Cut

I made myself less available to everyone I know. It sounds harsh but it was a very important component to the building and insulating of my self-care bubble. I changed my number, cutting off all ancillary associates, and focused on having only my close family and business associates able to contact me, directly. I kept my personal social media pages so that I wouldn’t lose touch with other family and friends completely, but made sure all notifications were turned off. This way, I could check the accounts at my leisure and didn’t feel pressured to communicate with those who are not a top priority.

2. The Squad

Over time, I brought only my “verified” friends and family members into my bubble. These are the people who have been tested and have shown themselves approved. These are the people whose motives I have never questioned, known a decade or longer, and who I trust implicitly. Naturally, this is a shortlist and that’s the point of a self-care bubble. I minimized the noise of life by cutting out unnecessary chatter from ancillary acquaintances and those family members that only come around when they want to complain about things or ask for something.

3. The Plan

After making the necessary cuts and pulling the people closest to me into my bubble, I was ready to engage a new life plan. There were things that needed to happen in my life and I was determined to manifest those things regardless of what would happen next. So, I wrote them down. I made a list of what I wanted to accomplish over the next years and the first three steps I would take toward each goal. Then, I kept those goals to myself. I forward-focused and worked on them every day.

4. The Care

Finally, I was careful with myself on a daily basis. I engaged in daily rituals that kept me calm. There was my morning workout, writing in my gratitude journal, sunset walks, and my evening tea and reading. It all helped keep me sane.  All of it gave me solace and ease. All of it made me happy.

My self-care is important, but it cannot happen in the midst of chaos. It has to happen in a safe place, in a vacuum, a bubble. Once my world is quieter, once I minimized the distractions and ancillary relationships, and once I stopped stretching myself thinly, I was able to take better care of myself. This is the purpose of a self-care bubble and a perfect reason for you to build one of your own!


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