O- Negative blood type traits

 The O- Blood Type Personality:  First I will start off by saying that O- blood is the best blood type to have.  We have the ability to see through other people but it is very difficult for others to see through us who are not O-.  We usually don’t let others know what we are really thinking in the here and now, unless we want them to know what we are thinking.  Often we are even quiet but we have absolutely no problem talking when we want to talk.  We are often misunderstood due to not giving an answer to a question at all or people are unsure if we are actually agreeing or disagreeing with them.  But we can shut down on everyone around us in a split second like a light switch.  Now, not to say we are without our problems because we have more problems and issues than most but we may seem normal on the outside, since we can usually reflect whatever emotion we want or help let other people believe what we want them to believe.  But when things don’t go our way we literally will ram our heads into the wall, just not in front of everybody.  We like to keep our emotions behind closed doors.  But when things do go our way we are excellent and perfectly suited for positions of leadership.  We are not like A- negatives who are usually peacemakers and want to enter into some kind of negotiations all the time.  And when we arrive at the right time and place and have the right frame of mind we are natural born leaders and not by shouting or carrying on frantically but by just simply being ourselves.  It comes natural if you let it.  The main thing that can and does effect O- people is from what we experienced growing up as a child and that can become a great advantage or a great disadvantage for us since we view the world through a lens from when we were young.  And Life can go very wrong for us if we have suffered severe energy or abuse as a child and we can make it go wrong for a lot of other people as well, especially if we put our effort into it.  Like Ted Bundy and the most dangerous part about it is that we can do all that and appear completely normal on the outside at the same time.  So no one ever sees us coming.  You see the thing is we absorb energies, and it goes all the way back to our childhood and if we can’t shake off these energies that are inside of us that we have absorbed throughout our lives its eventually going to come out one way or another.  The key for us and these energies that we have absorbed is if we have the proper support systems in our life, if we have the Love and People who Love us unconditionally constantly around us.  (Because we have the ability to mimmick other people). Then we can likely shift these bad energies away from us and then we can feel free, freely express ourselves for who we truly are and find and connect with similar people who are like us.  You know they say opposites attract but that only applies to people who are socially minded.  O- negative people are attracted to other O- people because we are the only ones that can read each other and the exclusivity that comes with that being able to exchange our ideas with like minded people becomes very attractive to us.  We are drawn to each other very much and we are constant.  Now this doesn’t mean all O- negatives are going to be attracted to all O- negatives but because we can read one another we usually know the answer to that question relatively quickly knowing immediately that it would never work out.  There is also data and I know of many personally where O- and AB- can also work out well in relationships and friendships alike, as there is a lot in common between the two blood types but O- is the ideal match for O- and AB- is the ideal match for AB-.  And one last thing about O- negatives which I personally know to be correct is that we must travel and experience different cultures and different poeple to get a better understanding and perspective on life and that can help us change as well for the better even help us to become who we were really suposed to be in the first place or else we can become a victim of our own environment.  Just a few O- thoughts for you to chew on I’m actually very interested in hearing what the other O- people in the group think about all this.


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