
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Super Empath

*****************(The Super Empath)************** Make no mistake about it Super Empathy is a Super Power but it comes with its advantages and disadvantages alike.  Next, all Super Empaths are Rh- Super Hybrids, but first we must identify the 3 main types of Empaths which are as follows:  1). Super Physical Empaths.  2). Super Emotional Empaths.  3). Super Intuitive Empaths. And there are many more types of Super Empaths as well, but first we will go over the 3 main types of Empaths.  And this is where most of the Empaths Traits are incorrect because they do not take into account the different types of Empaths or Super Empaths but Empathy is still in its infancy and there is much more that has yet to be explained scientifically. 1). Physical Empaths absorb a lot of other peoples energies into their own bodies, and this is not only dangerous but can become extremely self destructive.  They can not only pick up or absorb other peoples feelings and symptoms but can even take on an illness

How to put yourself in the bubble

 Sometimes life can be too cluttered or too much for you to process at one time, overwhelming even with so much to do or you worry about what all needs to be done or what you didn’t do or what you need to do and all this that and the third.  Well sometimes you just need to crush all that up into a ball and just toss it all into the garbage where it belongs.  And you just take a time out, like in elementary school when they teacher made you take a time out and go stand in the hall for an hour.  Well something like that but for an extended period of time.  And all you really need is to put yourself in a bubble.  Here are 4 excellent steps to making putting yourself into a bubble (for your own protection) and making the bubble a reality. 1. The Cut I made myself less available to everyone I know. It sounds harsh but it was a very important component to the building and insulating of my self-care bubble. I changed my number, cutting off all ancillary associates, and focused on having only

Why can’t Asians win any track and field events in the Olympics?

 Good Morning Students, Today we are going to try and figure out why no one from Asia has ever won certain track and field events in the Olympics.  Or any track and field event that I know of.  And maybe this a question you have often asked yourself.  Because I sure have.  There are over 4 billion Asians in the world, over half of the worlds population live in Asia.  But yet when you look at the Olympics the 100 meter, the 200 meter, the 400 meter usually it’s dominated by Jamaicans.  So you’re telling me a continent with over 4 billion people can’t find one person who can outrun someone from a small island of 3 million?  Well mathematically, statistically this just doesn’t make any sense.  Unless we take a look at the facts.  Ok well, not all Humans are the same and not all people are 100% Human even.  You see it’s all about Blood Type and DNA and Genetics.  If you go back far enough you will find The Homo-Habilis or the “Handyman” whose blood type was classified as B1 and A1 and even

Christopher Walken: Rh- Super Hybrid of the Week

 Rh- Super Hybrid of the Week:  Christopher Walken O+ w/Heterochromia (American Actor) IQ:  150.  First rh+ genius I have found in 14 years of looking.  The King of New York, The Deer Hunter, Catch Me if You Can, Pulp Fiction, Batman Returns, Last Man Standing, Sleepy Hollow, Kill The Irishman.

Are rh+ people stupid?

  Good Evening Students this evening I think we should take a look at average IQ statistics.  For instance, if we take the average IQ of rh- people in this group which is around 141 I would say that may be representative of the rh- population at large, maybe even higher because it’s not like this group is full of rocket scientists or Paleontologists or even rh- people with P.H.D.’s we are just normal random people who happen to be rh-.  So if the average IQ in the USA is 98 and the average rh- person is 141 and rh- people make up 15% of the population what would your opinion be concerning the average IQ of rh+ people in the United States?

Blue Eyes: Personality Traits

 15 Personality Traits about People with Blue Eyes:  1). Tolerant to Pain.  2). Sensitive to Light.  3). Strategic.  4). Tolerance for Alcohol.  5). Mutant.  6). Emotional Control.  7). Cautious.  ðŸ˜Ž.  Misunderstood.  9). Grudgeful.  10). Moody & Vindictive,  11). Self Sufficient.  12). Bright & Happy. 13). Egotistical.  14). Competitive.  15). Intelligent.  8-10% of the Worlds Population have Blue Eyes second most common eye color in the world behind Brown Eyes.  It is said that people with blue eyes have a calm and peaceful personality, and are representative of wisdom and knowledge. If you have blue eyes, it's time to brag! Psychologists say that you are immune to pain. Well, maybe not immune, but you can tolerate it several times more than people with other eye colours. 1) Pain Tolerance - People with blue eyes are typically more tolerant to pain.  2). Light Sensitivity -  Blue eyes are more sensitive to light.  3) Strategists - Those who have blue eyes are more commonl

Julia Garner - Rh- Super Hybrid of the Week

 Rh- Super Hybrid of the Month:  Julia Garner:  Israeli-American Actress from the Bronx, New York.  Now here is someone who actually deserves Rh- Super Hybrid of the Month.  In her youth she suffered from Dyslexia and Epilepsy and had a very hard time learning just be able to read as well as suffering from Autism and Severe Learning Difficulties.  But she actually pulled herself out of high school above all of those obstacles and she graduated from Indiana State with a degree in Psychology before she began her acting career.  Now, I saw her on Netflix’s Series “The Ozarks” and I didn’t think much about it.  I really thought she was some redneck hillbilly living in a trailer from the backwoods of Arkansas or Missouri or wherever the hell the Ozarks are.  She ended up with two Emmy’s from Ozarks.  But then I saw her play Anna Sorokin in Netflix’s “Inventing Anna” where she portrays a wealthy German Heiress Anna Delvey with a British English Accent.  I didn’t even realize that it was her

Donald Trump Blood Type A-

  BloodType Correction:  Donald Trump A-.  I think Trump, I mean there is no doubt that he is on the Autism Spectrum but I think he also has Aspergers.  Because he just says whatever he’s thinking (which I like) but he either doesn’t know how people will react or doesn’t care.  Personally I think he doesn’t know, because I have Aspergers and I use to do that a lot, now I just do it on Steroids.  But he’s definitely never reading his speech writers shit because he just freestyles his speeches.  He said that the (Mexicans) “Were all Rapists!” But “Some he assumes are good people” lol.  Can someone tell me which one of the Mexican Rapists are ”Good People”?  Lol.  That’s Hilarious.  And it just recently came out that he wanted to fire Patriot Missles into Mexico at the Mexican Drug Cartels “Real Quick” so they wouldn’t know it was us?  Lol.  Like the Mexican Government isn’t going to know who it was that was firing Patriot Missles into their country, lol.  Not to mention that’s not how Pa

Black Eyes: Personality Traits

 12 Personality Traits of People with Black Eyes:  1). Natural Born Leaders.  2). Secretive.  3). Trustworthy. 4). Trust Issues.  5). Loyal.  6). Mysterious.  7). Powerful Energy.  ðŸ˜Ž. Passionate.  9). Fanatical.  10). Impulsive. 11). Spiritual.  12). Hard Headed.   Black Eyes are actually considered brown but turns out they have a different personality profile. Pure black eyes are one of the rarest to find. It's mostly a very dark shade of brown. In this case, you're a natural 1) Born Leader or at least that's how people see you.  Since your eye colour is on the darker side, there is more melanin in your system; which means you tend to drink less . You’re also more likely to be better at playing Tennis or at Targeting Objects.  Black eyes are due to an eye disorder known as aniridia which makes the eye appear to have “no iris.” In truth, there is a small ring of iris tissue but it is so small and the pupil is so large that it can look like the eyes are completely black. It

Temple at Uppsala

 The Temple at Uppsala - was a temple of Norse Pagan Spirituality in Sweden, where Pagans often made pilgrimages to pay homage to the Gods (Kind of Like how Mecca is to the Muslims) people there worship statues of three specific gods that sit on a triple throne. Thor, who is referred to as "the mightiest," sits in the central throne, while Wodan (Odin) and Fricco (Freyr) are seated on the thrones to the sides of him.  Characteristics of the three gods, including that Freyr is depicted with an immense erect penis, Woden (Odin) in armor and that Thor has a mace, in addition, "they also worship gods who were once men, whom they reckon to be immortal because of their heroic acts.  It is said that the three gods have a priest or priestess appointed to them each who offer up sacrifices to the deities from the people. The Temple at Uppsala was a religious center in the ancient Norse religion once located at what is now Gamla Uppsala (Swedish "Old Uppsala"), Theories h

O- Negative blood type traits

 The O- Blood Type Personality:  First I will start off by saying that O- blood is the best blood type to have.  We have the ability to see through other people but it is very difficult for others to see through us who are not O-.  We usually don’t let others know what we are really thinking in the here and now, unless we want them to know what we are thinking.  Often we are even quiet but we have absolutely no problem talking when we want to talk.  We are often misunderstood due to not giving an answer to a question at all or people are unsure if we are actually agreeing or disagreeing with them.  But we can shut down on everyone around us in a split second like a light switch.  Now, not to say we are without our problems because we have more problems and issues than most but we may seem normal on the outside, since we can usually reflect whatever emotion we want or help let other people believe what we want them to believe.  But when things don’t go our way we literally will ram our

Red Hair Traits

 Red Hair Traits:  1). Higher Sex Drive.  2). Acidic Sweat. 3). Wavy Hair.  4). Temper.  5). Freckles.  6). Energy.  7). Low Pain Tolerance.  ðŸ˜Ž.  Age Well.  9).   Sensitive.  10). Allergies.  11). Drug Allergies.  12). Rare.  Only 1-2% of the worlds population but they make up about 50% of my x-girlfriends. 12 Similarities between RH(D) Negative People and People with Red Hair.  1). Higher Sex Drive.  A University of Hamburg sex researcher found that women with red hair, whether they’re single or in a committed relationship, participate in substantially more sexual activity than other women.  2). Acidic Sweat.  Everyone has an ‘acid mantle,’ an acidic layer of film that that covers every bit of skin but is invisible to the eye. For redheads, this layer is a bit more acidic than it is for everyone else. 3). Wavy Hair.  4). The Temper, known as the “Rh- Negative Doorslam” And I know this one very well as I have been on the other side of that Door Slam more than once.  5). Freckles.  MC1