
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Real Human Races on Earth

 Good afternoon Students, today we are going to revisit the study of the different races because I believe most of the class has failed this subject miserably, now there are many different races in the world and there has been for thousands of years.  And most of these Human Races can be seen on T.V. At the Olympics like for instance you have 1) The 100 meter race.  2). The 200 meter race.  3). The 400 meter race.  4). The 800 Meter Race.  5). The 1500 meter race.  6). The 3000 meter race.  7). The Relay Event Race.  And 😎. The Hurdle Event Race.  And these are all of the different Human Races.  Now, This is what Human Races have always been, until 1779 when this radically mentally unstable German Guy named Johann Friedrich Blumenbach and his equally mentally unstable protege Houston Stewart Chamberlain decided that they alone were going to change the meaning of the word race by themselves, and they came out with these radical ideologies of racial superiority, backed up by nothing mor

Not Perfect

 Ah Wish Mi Coudah Tell Yah Seh Mi Perfect but I’m Not.  It’s Mi Said deh one from deh Block. Many of Mi Friends are here, Some Not.  I Got Ah Couple Runnins Wit Deh Cops.  But Jus True Any Ting at all Mi Nuh Fear, Mi Nuh Fear, Mi Nuh Fear, Mi Nuh Fear.  An Mi Doh Push Drama, Just Fi Make it Clear!  Got tuh keep it Real, I’m Jus Misunderstanded.  Things Doh Happen it’s not like Mi planned it.  People Yuh Love will all See Yuh Vanish Yuh Happiness Dem Wan Yah Walk Weh From it.  Strapped wit mines if I haf tuh No Recoil Pon Mi Nine Dat Tah Knock Yuh.  Any Ting Ah Any Ting Mi Ready For Laser pon Mi Rifle Like Dah Predator. - Gully Gad

A Neanderthal Blood Transfusion

 Good Evening Students, Today we will be addressing the blood type and Rhesus factor of the Neaderthal, since some people here seem to think the Neanderthal was an O+ blood type and we know that’s just not true.  So I could go on and on for hours how and why the Neanderthal was O- and all the traits and characteristics that have been passed down from the Neaderthal to RH- people, like larger brains, higher IQ’s, The MCR1 gene of Red Hair, advanced immune systems, flat feet, eye dexterity, we could compare the Neanderthal stronghold in the Basque Region where more Neaderthal bones have been found in this region than any other, then point out how still to this day this same exact region has the highest percentage rh- of the population, specifically O-.  The list just goes on and on, so we will just skip over all that and make this easy.  Two Neanderthal skeletons were tested and found to be O blood types.  But the Neanderthal had an extremely rare Rhesus Type which was name RH Partial In

There has always only been one Human Race on earth!

 Maybe it’s time that I continue with Theodosyi-us who was a Greek Ruler not known to most of us.  And he in the Four-th Centu-ree A.D. Call’s the Egyptians fools Can’t you see? And 2 more years later was when Justinian Ruled in 6 A.D. and that was it for Schools!  And as a result of this, Ignorance had swirled over Euro-Pean Greco and Roman Christian Worlds.  And this went on for a Thousand More Years.  Of Ignorance, Stupidity and Tears.  And Now Here Comes the 17th Cent-ury Hard-A-Ness when Europe decides to come out of this Darken-ness and Now Johann F. Blumenbach who was a German comes out of absolutely nowhere and started to confirming this ideology of a White Supremacy over all other Men of Color but always ever before this all Men we’re Brothers and equal but this Leaves this German Guy Johann who goes on to say more about all of this and now he’s telling us that there is 5 different Human Race-esses in the world today and they all are 1) Caucasian. 2). Malayan and 3) Mongolian,

The Cone Heads

 Good evening Students!  Today we are going to explain a little more about the first rh- people in the world, well first over 500,000 years ago they came to this planet for resources because there was big problems going on in our home planet, but around 50,000-100,000 years ago they came back again, and this has been proven because they are mining shafts in South America that date back to 50,000-80,000 years ago and up to 100,000 years ago in Africa.  Well, who was mining for Gold and natural resources 100,000 years ago in Africa?  Or 80,000 years ago in South America?  And why?  Well I’m guessing you don’t realize you need Gold for space travel.  Did you know all the Astronaut Helmets at NASA are made with real Gold?  But the problem was that mining for Gold is hard labor, and we aren’t the best at that.  So one day two Cone Heads were talking to each other while they were mining for Gold in Africa about 100,000 years ago, one of them saw some O+ Butt Booty Scratching Monkey People ea

Racial Equality

 Until the philosophy which holds one race superior.  And another inferior. Is finally and permanently, Discredited and abandoned.  Everywhere is war Me say war.  That until there no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation.  Until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes.  Me say war,  That until the BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS are equally guaranteed to all! Without regard to race.  Dis a war. That until that day, dream of lasting peace, world citizenship Rule of international morality.  Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, but never attained.  Now everywhere is war….War And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola In Mozambique, South Africa.  Sub-human bondage have been toppled, utterly destroyed.  Well, everywhere is war.  Me say war.  .War in the east War in the west.  War up north.  War down south.  War, war. Rumours of war And until that day the African continent will not know pe

How to defeat your enemy

 Alles, was ich uber den kampf weiB…WeiB ich von dir.  Wofur kampfen wir?  Das habe ich dich oft gefragt.  Manche Kampfen fur das, WAS WAR.  Und Andere fur das, was warden SOLL.  Wir kampfen fur die LIEBE.  Wir kampfen fur die EHRE.  wir kampfen fur den RUHM.  Wir kampfen fur unsere FREIBIET.  Manche Kampfenfur ihre KINDER.  Und wieder andere fur ihre GOTTER.  Entscheidend ist, dass wir nur gewinnen…. eine glasklare Strategie haben.  Dass man unbedingt die eigene Ordnung wahrt und die des Feindes Zerstort.  Wofur wir auch immer Kampfen…..den Preis bezahlem wir in Blut.  Wir Sterben Alle.  Die Schuldigen….und Die Unschuldigen.  Und wenn alles Misslingt…Braucht man noch immer die Hilfe der GOTTER.  Eure unuberwindbafen Rustungen wurden ZU eurer groBten Burde.  Aber das Wichtigste ist:  Erkenne die groBte Schwache deines Gengners und bringe all deine Kraft genau an diesen PUNKT.  Ich frage mich….Wofur hast du Gekampft?  Und war es das wert?  Du hast nie Verstanden…dass man anders leben wi

Chief Ito-Na-Gaju (Rain-in-the-Face)

 Good Morning Students, Today we are going to honor The Great Warrior Chief of the Hunkpapa Sioux of the Great Lakota Nation Ito-Na-Gaju (Rain-in-the-Face) for Killing US Lt. Colonel George Custer and then ripping his heart out of chest and eating it.  Thank You Great War Chief Ito-Na-Gaju for eating the heart of that White Racist Low Born Scoundrel, I can only hope one day I can follow in your footsteps and make you proud.

From Neanderthal To Human

      Good evening students, Today we are going to take off our dunce caps made of tin foil, forget about flying saucers and the “Greys” or the Tall Whites” or Flying Pyramids and examine some simple facts and try to put the pieces of the puzzle together for ourselves.  Now The O+ blood type evolved in the Human Genome in East Africa around 180,000 years ago.  It’s the oldest blood type in the “Human” Genome.  And the first Humans evolved in East Africa around 180,000 years ago as well.  Not by coincidence I would submit.  So I think it’s fair to conclude that 180,000 years ago all Humans were O+, in Africa had Black Hair, Dark Skin, Brown Eyes and were Right Handed.  Even today, Over 90% of Sub Saharan Africans are O+ and no Neanderthal DNA.  The A+ Blood type evolved next in the Human Genome around 120,000 years ago, and came out of the North.  I.E. Scandinavia & Canada, Today The Sammies of Northern Scandinavia and some Northern North America and Canadian Native Tribes have the